Cross-Browser <hr>

(Horizonal Rule - Line) Styling using CSS Code

Cross-Browser Color:

color:#000000; background-color:#000000;

Its important to define the color AND the background color to make it cross-browser compatible!


Width and Height:

 e.g. width: 80%; height:1px;

The width is 100% if no width is specified!


Cross-Browser Horizontal Alignment:

Its important to define the text-align (even if hr is a block element) AND the margin to make the alignment cross-browser compatible!



border: none;

We want no border around the horizontal rule!

Samples: Cross Browser CSS Code for <hr>



Style definition:
height:1px; border:none; color:#000; background-color:#000;

  • Inline CSS:
    <hr style="height:1px; border:none; color:#000; background-color:#000;">
  • CSS:
    hr {height:1px; border:none; color:#000; background-color:#000;}




Style definition:
height:1px; border:none; color:#000; background-color:#000; width:60%; text-align:center; margin: 0 auto;

  • Inline CSS:
    <hr style="height:1px; border:none; color:#000; background-color:#000; width:60%; text-align:center; margin: 0 auto;">
  • CSS:
    hr {height:1px; border:none; color:#000; background-color:#000; width:60%; text-align:center; margin: 0 auto;}




Style definition:
height:1px; border:none; color:#000; background-color:#000; width:60%; text-align:right; margin: 0 0 0 auto;

  • Inline CSS:
    <hr style="height:1px; border:none; color:#000; background-color:#000; width:60%; text-align:right; margin: 0 0 0 auto;">
  • CSS:
    hr {height:1px; border:none; color:#000; background-color:#000; width:60%; text-align:right; margin: 0 0 0 auto;}




Style definition:
height:1px; border:none; color:#000; background-color:#000; width:60%; text-align:left; margin: 0 auto 0 0;

  • Inline CSS:
    <hr style="height:1px; border:none; color:#000; background-color:#000; width:60%; text-align:left; margin: 0 auto 0 0;">
  • CSS:
    hr {height:1px; border:none; color:#000; background-color:#000; width:60%; text-align:left; margin: 0 auto 0 0;}




Style definition:
height:3px; border:none; color:rgb(60,90,180); background-color:rgb(60,90,180);

  • Inline CSS:
    <hr style="height:3px; border:none; color:rgb(60,90,180); background-color:rgb(60,90,180);">
  • CSS:
    hr { height:3px; border:none; color:rgb(60,90,180); background-color:rgb(60,90,180); }
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