Create a transparent Watermark

using the free GIMP (GNU Image Manipulation Program)

Related Downloads:


This tutorial requires that you have installed GIMP for Windows and  Arclab Watermark Studio on your computer.
We use GIMP version 2.6 and Watermark Studio [an error occurred while processing this directive]in this tutorial. Future version might look a bit different, but the basics should be the same.

1. Create a new image in GIMP

new image



2. Add some Text, Drawing or Logo

We use a simple text with a drop-shadow for this sample.

add text or logo

Its important that you see the squares, which means it has a transparent background. This also illustrates why its the best solution to use a 32bit transparent image. If the image would have a fixed, e.g. white background then the shadow would be on a white background, which means the shadow (and also the edges of the text) would be outlined on a different background color.


3. Save the Image as PNG

save image


4. Save Options - Merge Visible Layers

save options

Now the "Export File" dialog opens. Our image contains multiple layers, but a PNG cannot contain multiple layers, so we have to select what should happen with the layers. If your image does not have multiple layers, then this dialog won't open and you can skip the following.


5. Run Arclab Watermark Studio

Download Watermark Studio


Watermark Studio