Email Open-Rate Tracking
using Google Analytics Measurement Protocol
Open-Rate Email Tracking | See also: Click-Through Email Tracking
"Open-Rates" measures how often an email message was opened.
Google Analytics allows you to track email open rates using a tracking pixel
embedded in the message, e.g.
<img src=" ... ">
Please read the instructions "Analytics Measurement Protocol"
on Google Developer.
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for newsletter mailings and email marketing campaigns.
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Build the Image Source URI
The source URI contains the required parameter for the open-rate tracking:
( you can also use the "Hit Builder" linked from the
Google Developer page link)
Tracking ID (&tid)
Use the same ID as your website, e.g. &tid=UA-1234567-8 (copy the ID from your website tracking)
<img src=" ... &tid=ABC ... ">
Client ID (&cid)
Use &cid=555 for anonymous tracking. (555 is the anonymous GA Client ID)
Don't include any data that allows Google to personally
identify an individual!
See also:
"Measurement Protocol / SDK / User ID Policy"
We also recommend to add the parameter &aip=1 to enable "anonymize IP" on GA. See also: Parameter Reference link
<img src=" ... &cid=555&aip=1 ... ">
MailList Controller 12.5 (or newer) also supports using
a random unique ID, which allows you to track unique email opens.
&cid=##RID## (##RID## will be replaced by a random
unique ID) for unique email opens.
<img src=" ... &cid=##RID##&aip=1 ... ">
Event (&t)
We want to track the event email open:
<img src=" ... t=event&ec=email&ea=open ... ">
Document Path (&dp)
The document path (displayed in GA) must start with a slash and should
be unique for each mailing.
e.g. /email/newsletter1
Don't forget to
encode the path! ( slash / = %2F )
<img src=" ... &dp=%2Femail%2Fnewsletter1 ... ">
Document Title (&dt)
Use e.g. the subject as document title:
My Newsletter
Don't forget
to encode the title ( space = %20 )
<img src=" ... &dt=My%20Newsletter ... ">
Add the Tracking Code to the Mailing (HTML Source)
Click on "HTML Source" in the MailList Controller editor
to view the message source.
It's recommended to add the tracking pixel
at the bottom of the message, e.g. before the </body> tag.
<img src=
Don't include any data that allows Google to personally
identify an individual!
See also:
"Measurement Protocol / SDK / User ID Policy"
Disclaimer: The information on this page is provided "as is" without
warranty of any kind. Further, Arclab Software does not warrant, guarantee,
or make any representations regarding the use, or the results of use, in
terms of correctness, accuracy, reliability, currentness, or otherwise.
See: License Agreement
Analytics link is a service provided
by Google(tm). Google(tm) Analytics is not part of the software
MailList Controller.