Email Tracking using Google Analytics


Arclab® MailList Controller
Click-through Tracking



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Click-Through Email Tracking | See also: Open-Rate Email Tracking




There is an easy way to gather click-through information using Google Analytics. The key is "link tagging" - this means the link to your web page contains additional information, e.g. the campaign-name, to separate the email click from normal clicks on your website.


Google Analytics provides a fantastic interface with lots of useful information like geo-location, time on page, exit rate, unique users, etc. ...

Please read the article about "link tagging" on Google Analytics. 

(Click here to open it in a new window) link

Email Newsletters for Companies Big and Small

Arclab MailList Controller is the complete solution for newsletter mailings and email marketing campaigns.
Test drive our software or use the free version as long as you want. There is no registration required.


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Add a Link to your Newsletter

Lets say the URL, which should be added as link in your newsletter is:


Google Analytics provides a tool, which build the links for you, so that you don't need to care about the syntax.
(Click here to open the Google Analytics URL Builder in a new window) link


In this sample we use:
Campaign Source = Newsletter1
Campaign Medium = Email
Campaign Name = YourProduct

Tagged Link Analytics


The tagged link URI is:
The link contains the source, medium and campaign, which allows you to measure how many people have clicked on a link in your newsletter.


  • First select the text (in our sample "hyperlink") and click on the "Add Hyperlink" icon.
  • Now copy the URL from the Google Analytics URL Builder link into the URL field and send your message.
    You can watch the results of your newsletter in Google Analytics under Content Sources > Campaigns.



Disclaimer: The information on this page is provided "as is" without warranty of any kind. Further, Arclab Software does not warrant, guarantee, or make any representations regarding the use, or the results of use, in terms of correctness, accuracy, reliability, currentness, or otherwise. See: License Agreement

Google(tm) Analytics link is a service provided by Google(tm). Google(tm) Analytics is not part of the software MailList Controller.