Index Settings

User Manual

Index Source Folder

The program will index all (or selected) files inside the "Index Source Folder".
The "Index Source Folder" can be a folder on your local computer or network.


Click on "Index Folder" or "Select Folder to index" to select the index source folder.


Index Source Folder


Select if the index should includes files within subfolders or not:

  • Include subfolders (Recursion enabled)
  • Don't include subfoldesr (Recursion disabled)


The program will run a recursive search for files in all subfolders when you select "Include subfolder".

Empty folders will not be included in the index!

Mode (Index File Mode)

Click on "Change" to switch between the different output modes. The selection has no effect, if "recursion" is not enabled or there are no subfolders.
The following output modes are available:


arrow_forward  One page with subsections for each subfolder:


One page with subsections


arrow_forward  One page without subsections:


One page without subsections


arrow_forward  Multiple pages (one page per subfolder):


Multiple pages


Low Volume Mode

In this mode, the program generates an additional HTML file for each subfolder.
The additional HTML (index) files are created in the same folder as the main index file.





High Volume Mode

In this mode, the program also creates an additional HTML file for each subfolder, but the additional HTML (index) files are created in a folder containing additional folders, each containing 1000 HTML files. This mode is specially designed for processing large directories with many subfolders.
The "High Volume Mode" looks and works exactly the same as the "Low Volume Mode", the only difference is the internal file/folder structure.



Index.html (main index file)
Index--/   (folder for index files)

Index--/0/ (folder for the first 1000 (998) index files)
Index--/1/ (folder for the the next 1000 index files)
Index--/2/ (folder for the the next 1000 index files)





The different directory levels are irrelevant when linking the files in the index or adding a link-prefix, as the base URL is always the main index page.
For this purpose, <base> e.g. <base href="../../Index.html"> is inserted in all index subpages in the header.


Specify the files, which should be included in the index. The default setting is "Index all files".
Click on "Edit" to open the "Files to Index" dialog:


Select files to index


  • Enter e.g. the file extension .html and click on "Add" to add ".html" to the list of "Files to Index".
  • Select an item from the list, edit the item and click on "Update" to update the list.
  • Select an item from the list and click on "Delete" to delete an item.
  • Click on "Index all Files" to reset the selection.


Exclude files (or folders) based on the file path. The program searches the path of each file for "Excludes".
Click on "Edit" to open the "Exclude Files or Folders" dialog:


Exclude files or folders


  • Enter e.g. the file extension .bak and click on "Add" to add ".bak" to the list of "Excludes".
  • Select an item from the list, edit the item and click on "Update" to update the list.
  • Select an item from the list and click on "Delete" to delete an item.
  • Click on "No Excludes" to reset the selection.

System and Hidden Files

System and hidden files (for example: desktop.ini) are excluded by default.
Click on "Change" to switch between "Include" and "Exclude system and hidden files".

Empty Folders

Dir2HTML Version 3.5++


Specify whether or not "Empty Folders" should be displayed.
An empty folder is a folder that contain no files or no file in the folder meets the specified criteria.
Click on "Change" to switch between "Include" and "Exclude empty folders".


Please note: "Empty Folder" have no effect on mode: "One page without subsections".

Sort Files and Folders

Dir2HTML Version 3.1++


Specify the sort order for files and folders.
Click on "Change" to switch between:

  • Sort by name (ascending)
  • Sort by name (descending)
  • Sort by date (ascending)
  • Sort by date (descending)
  • Sort by size (ascending)
  • Sort by size (descending)


The index always starts with the root folder, followed by the folders based on the sort order.

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