Sample Message - No Fields found

Arclab® Inbox2DB

Inbox2DB has not detected any matching Field

The program auto-detects matching fields if the field names ("Target Columns") taken from the target database ("Data Connection Target") are available in the sample message, e.g.

Name: Value

Name= Value

Name : Value

Name = Value

You need to assign the field mapping manually, if the field names (in the email) are different from the "Target Columns" (field names in the database).


Important: Please take a look at this page if the wrong sample message has been loaded.




No matching Field Names


In this sample there are no matching field names! The following field mapping should be accomplished:

AAA >> should be mapped to: Name
BBB >> should be mapped to: Email
CCC >> should be mapped to: Company



Copy/paste or type in the field name including the separator in "Source Field incl. Separator" for each target column:


Add Fields


Repeat this step for all other fields and click on "Simulate Detection":


Field Mapping


Finally you should see all field names in green and values in blue color.
Please take a look at this page if the value (blue) was not detected (highlighted).


Important: Please take a look at this page if the wrong sample message has been loaded.