C# String Methods IsEmpty, Find, Replace
IsEmpty, Find, Replace - Comparison C# vs MFC (CString)
IsEmpty, Find, and Replace are common used string methods in MFC (CString class).
MFC (CString) Samples:
somestring = L"ABCDEFG";
if (somestring.IsEmpty())
// somestring is empty
if (somestring.Find(L"ABC")!=-1)
// found "ABC" in somestring
// somestring == L"abcDEFG"
In C# we use string.IsNullOrEmpty instead of IsEmpty and IndexOf instead of Find:
MFC (CString) | C# (string) |
somestring.IsEmpty() | string.IsNullOrEmpty(somestring) |
somestring.Find (str) | somestring.IndexOf(str) |
somestring.Replace (strold,strnew) | somestring = somestring.Replace(strold,strnew) |
See also: Comparison of string operations: Left, Mid, Right - C# vs MFC
Check for an Empty String: IsNullOrEmpty in C#
Checks if a string is Null or Empty:
// Sample: Check if somestring
is empty
string somestring = string.Empty;
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(somestring))
// somestring is empty
Don't use comparisons like:
if (somestring.Length==0)
... or
if (somestring=="") ...
The comparison will result in an exception(!)
if somestring == string.Empty or somestring == Null (no object available)
Search in a String: IndexOf in C#
Search for a string inside a string and return the index ( index==-1 if string not found)
// Sample: Search for "DEF"
inside "ABCDEFG"
string somestring = "ABCDEFG";
int index = somestring.IndexOf("DEF");
// index == 3 (starts by 0)
if (index
== -1)
// not found
Replace String in C#
Replace a string inside a string:
// Sample: Replace "ABC" with
"abc" inside "ABCDEFG"
string somestring = "ABCDEFG";
= somestring.Replace("ABC","abc");
// somestring
== "abcDEFG"
"Replace" returns a new string ... it does not change the "old" string, so you need to use: "somestring = somestring.Replace(...)"