C# String Operations (Methods) Left, Mid, Right

Left, Mid, Right - Comparison C# vs MFC (CString)

Left, Mid and Right are common used string operations in MFC (CString class).

MFC (CString) Samples:
CString somestring = L"ABCDEFG";
somestring.Left(3) == L"ABC"
somestring.Mid(2,3) == L"CDE"
somestring.Mid (2) == L"CDEFG"
somestring.Right(3) == L"EFG"
The index starts at 0 (MFC and C#), so nIndex=2 means the 3rd char!


In C# we use Substring instead of Left, Mid and Right:

MFC (CString) C# (string)
somestring.Left(nCount) somestring.Substring(0,nCount)
somestring.Mid(nIndex) somestring.Substring(nIndex)
somestring.Mid(nIndex,nCount) Somestring.Substring(nIndex,nCount)
somestring.Right(nCount) somestring.Substring(somestring.Length-nCount,nCount)


See also: Comparison of string methods: IsEmpty, Find, Replace - C# vs MFC



String Left (number of chars) in C#

Extract the first nCount characters (leftmost) from a string:

// Sample: Extract the first 3 chars "ABC" from "ABCDEFG"
// Important: Don't forget to make sure the string is not empty or too short!

string somestring = "ABCDEFG";
string newstring = somestring.Substring(0, 3);


String Right (number of chars) in C#

Extract the last nCount characters (rightmost) from a string:

// Sample: Extract the last 3 chars "EFG" from "ABCDEFG"
// Important: Don't forget to make sure the string is not empty or too short!

string somestring = "ABCDEFG";
string newstring = somestring.Substring(somestring.Length-3, 3);


String Mid (index, number of chars) in C#

Extract nCount characters starting at nIndex from a string:

// Sample: Extract 3 chars (starting at 'C') from "ABCDEFG" (nIndex=2 nCount=3)
// Important: Don't forget to make sure the string is not empty or too short!

string somestring = "ABCDEFG";
string newstring = somestring.Substring(2, 3);


String Mid (index) in C#

Extract ALL characters starting at nIndex from a string:

// Sample: Extract ALL chars (starting at 'C') from "ABCDEFG" (nIndex=2)
// Important: Don't forget to make sure the string is not empty or too short!

string somestring = "ABCDEFG";
string newstring = somestring.Substring(2);

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