Arclab® Web Form Builder


Email the Form Data via PHP mail() or SMTP (Email Account)
without using external SMTP/Mail Libraries.



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Email the Form Data via PHP mail() or SMTP

With Arclab® Web Form Builder you can send the data collected in a web form to an email address via PHP mail() or SMTP.


check  No external SMTP libraries are required for this.

check  You don't have to install any additional PHP libraries on your web server.

check  All required functions are already contained in the PHP form file generated by the program.

How does this work?

First, design your web form. Just compose your form with our web form editor or use one of the templates provided.


Email Form Data via PHP mail() or SMTP


Then upload the PHP form file generated by the program to your web server. The form can either be opened directly or integrated into an existing web page. The software includes detailed instructions for embedding the form into your website. The form can be integrated not only in HTML/PHP files but also in CMS systems such as Wordpress, Joomla, Typo3 or Drupal.


No programming is required for this. The complete form code and the functions for sending the email are completely contained in the PHP file generated by the program. The data processing as well as the sending of the email are done by your website. So you do not integrate any external forms and there is no data transfer to external form service providers. You retain full control over the data entered in the form and do not have to worry about any data being passed on.



What is the Difference between PHP mail() and SMTP?

  • When using the PHP standard function PHP mail(), the form data is sent directly from your website to the recipient.

    Scheme PHP mail()

  • If you use SMTP, the data will be sent via a mail server or an email account.
    The web server first connects to the specified mail server and sends the data to the mail server, which then finally sends the data by email.

    Scheme SMTP mail

  • With our software you can use both variants, since depending on the web provider it may be that only one or the other variant is supported.

Try Arclab® Web Form Builder

Download Arclab® Web Form Builder and test the forms on your own website.
The program is "real" software and not a hosted online service. The trial version is fully functional. (No registration required)

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