Execute Custom php Code: Frequently Asked Questions

Arclab® Web Form Builder

question_answer Execute Custom PHP Code F.A.Q. Index

comment  How to use a dynamic Attachment File Name


The file name set in the dialog can be overwritten using the php variable $att_file_name.


$att_file_name = "abc.pdf";
$att_file_name = "$ID23.pdf"

comment  How to access the PNG Image of a Signature Field


The base64 encoded png image is stored in the variable $IDxx_b64, e.g. $ID21_b64
(you can get the IDxx when you click on the signature field in the form).


// base 64 encoded image bytes

// image as data url
$dataurl = 'data:image/png;base64,'.$IDxx_b64;

// image bytes (image data stream)
$bytes = base64_decode($IDxx_b64);


If you want to add the signature to a pdf file created using TCPDF use e.g.

// insert the image

// the '@' character is used to indicate that the 1st parameter contains an image data stream and not an image file name
// 10,10 is x and y
// for further details and parametes look at the TCPDF:Image user manual

// if the signature is optional (NOT a required field) use:
if($IDxx_b64) $pdf->Image('@'.base64_decode($IDxx_b64),10,10);


If you want to add the signature to a pdf file created using FPDF use e.g.

$dataurl = 'data:image/png;base64,'.$IDxx_b64;

// 10,10 is x and y
// 0,0 for auto size
// specify the image type PNG

// if the signature is optional (NOT a required field) use:
$dataurl = 'data:image/png;base64,'.$IDxx_b64;

comment  Sample: Add PNG Image of Signature Field to PDF using TCPDF


The base64 encoded png image is stored in the variable $IDxx_b64, e.g. $ID21_b64
(you can get the IDxx when you click on the signature field in the form).


TCPDF Image Sample:

$html = '<p>...</p>';

// add HTML content
$pdf->writeHTMLCell(0, 0, 10, 10, $html);

// insert image
if($IDxx_b64) $pdf->Image('@'.base64_decode($IDxx_b64),10,10);

// 10,10 is x and y (by default in mm) from the upper left corner
// for further details and parametes look at the TCPDF:Image user manual

// add the image function before outputting the PDF !
$att_content_data = $pdf->Output('ignored', 'S');

comment  Sample: Add PNG Image of Signature Field to PDF using FPDF


The base64 encoded png image is stored in the variable $IDxx_b64, e.g. $ID21_b64
(you can get the IDxx when you click on the signature field in the form).


FPDF Image Sample:

// add some text
$pdf->Cell(0,10,'Hello World');

    $dataurl = 'data:image/png;base64,'.$IDxx_b64;

// 10,10 is x and y from the upper left corner
// use 0,0 for auto size (width and height)

// add the image function before outputting the PDF !
$att_content_data = $pdf->Output('S');

comment  How to access the Uploaded Files of a "File Upload" Form Element ($_FILES array)


Files uploaded using a "File Upload" form element are attached to the email as an attachment by default. No custom PHP code is required for file attachments.
However, if you need direct access to the temporary files on the server, you can access them using the $_FILES['IDxx'] array.
(you can get the IDxx when you click on the file upload field in the form)


Example for file upload with only 1 file:

if ($_FILES['IDxx']['name'][0]!="")
    // temporary path/filename "tmp_name" of the uploaded file on the server
    // please note that "tmp_name" is a generic file name, which does not match the original file name!


    // file "name" of the uploaded file

    // file "type"

    // file "size" in bytes

    // file content (binary data)
    // $filebytes=file_get_contents($tempfilename);


Example for file upload with multiple files:

// enumerate uploaded files for IDxx
foreach($_FILES['IDxx']['tmp_name'] as $i => $tempfilename)
    // temporary path/filename "tmp_name" of the uploaded file on the server
    // $tempfilename contains the temp filename (path) of the uploaded file
    // please note that "tmp_name" is a generic file name, which does not match the original file name!

    // file "name" of the uploaded file

    // file "type"

    // file "size" in bytes

    // file content (binary data)
    // $filebytes=file_get_contents($tempfilename);

Please contact us if you cannot find an answer to your question in the F.A.Q. or user manual.

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