Troubleshoot: Error Codes

Arclab® Web Form Builder

List of Error Codes


The "Error Code" is (by default) included in the error page, e.g. Error Code: E100 (PHPMAILFAIL) Task:1
This error code contains information about the type of error and which task triggered the error.


error_outline  E100 (PHPMAILFAIL)

An error occurred while sending the email via the internal mail function of the web server PHP mail().
Click here to continue troubleshooting the error code: E100.


error_outline  E101 (SMTPFAIL)

An error occurred while sending the email via the specified mail server (SMTP mail).
Click here to continue troubleshooting the error code: E101.


error_outline  E102 (NORECIPIENT)

You will only receive this error code if you want to send an autoresponder message but no recipient address has been entered in the form.
To fix the problem, it is best to use an "Editbox" of the type "Email" to enter the email address in the form and set this as a mandatory ("Required") field.
Now it is ensured that the form cannot be submitted without an email address being entered in the form.


error_outline  E200 (SQLCONNECTFAIL)

A connection to the specified MySQL server could not be established.
Please check the server name, database, table, user and password.
See also: MySQL Connection Details


error_outline  E201 (EXECUTESQLFAIL)

An error occurred when entering the new data record in the MySQL database.
This indicates that the field assignment was not made correctly or that a database field is not large enough.

Please note that all fields* in the database that must not be NULL must be assigned to a form field.
* The primary key (autoincrement) must not be assigned because it is automatically generated by the database.

Please also check whether you have correctly selected the "Data Type" for each field and whether the target field in the MySQL database is large enough.
This error often occurs with longer texts which should be inserted into a MySQL (text) field that is too small.

See also: Field Relationship


error_outline  E300 (CUSTPHP)

This error code is displayed when the "ErrorCancel" function was called in the "Custom PHP Code".

If you wanted to create a PDF document, the path to the PDF include file is probably wrong. Please note that the path must be relative to the uploaded PHP form file. In this case, we advise against using an absolute path, since you would need to know the real path of the web server. This varies depending on the web provider and can usually be viewed in the configuration interface of the web server.

See also: Create a PDF File using TCPDF | Create a PDF File using FPDF


error_outline  HTTP 500 - Internal Server Error

An error occurred while executing the PHP script. Click here to troubleshoot.

Miscellaneous Error Codes


error_outline  E001 (NOPOST)

The request body does not contain any POST (form) data.
If you use the "RewriteEngine" in your ".htaccess" file to hide the ".php" extension, the request body will probably be removed.

Disclaimer: This article is for experts. If you have not made the change to the server configuration yourself or do not know what these settings mean, please do not make any changes yourself. In this case, notify your web administrator. Please note that incorrect settings can cause the entire website to stop working.

The following sample should demonstrate the problem:

# Redirect /folder/page.php to /folder/page
RewriteCond %{THE_REQUEST} ^[A-Z]{3,}\s([^.]+)\.php [NC]
RewriteRule ^ %1 [R,L,NC]

The request body (form data) is removed when you redirect.
To solve this issue, add an exception for POST, e.g. RewriteCond %{REQUEST_METHOD} !POST [NC]

# Redirect /folder/page.php to /folder/page
RewriteCond %{THE_REQUEST} ^[A-Z]{3,}\s([^.]+)\.php [NC]
RewriteRule ^ %1 [R,L,NC]



error_outline  E002 (MISSINGREQFIELD) ID

You receive this error if a "Required Field" has been submitted empty. This error can also occur in connection with file uploads (see below).
This can only occur in the case of a multi-page form, in which it is possible to submit the form without completing all the required fields.
If you have added a button to submit the form on the first form page, but there is a mandatory (required) field on the second page, you can trigger this error.

The ID of the input element that produced the error is contained in the error code so that you can identify it, e.g. E002 (MISSINGREQFIELD) ID82.

To solve the problem you can e.g. use the form element "Conditional Container".
(All mandatory elements in a "Conditional Container" can be left empty, as long as the container is not visible)



File Uploads:

error_outline E003 (INVALIDFILE) ID and E002 (MISSINGREQFIELD) ID

You will receive this error if the size of the file uploads exceeds the maximum size set on the server in php.ini.
In the php.ini configuration file on the web server:


Important: memory_limit > post_max_size > upload_max_filesize


Please note that the default values here are often much too small.

memory_limit=512M (default: 128M)
post_max_size=128M (default: 8M)
upload_max_filesize=16M (default: 2M)



error_outline  E006 (RECAPTCHAFAIL)

The response to solve the "Google reCaptcha" could not be verified on the server side. The script uses the php extension "curl" to verify the response code on server side. If the php extenion "curl" is not enabled it falls back to "file_get_contents". If both options are disabled you will get the error "E006".

Solution: Enable the php extension "curl" on your web server or contact your hosting provider (or web administrator) to enable php "curl" for you.
You can also use the internal captcha instead.



error_outline  Other Error Codes

If you receive an error code that is not listed here, please contact us.

Error Task


If an error occurs while processing the form data, the error page is displayed.
More specifically, this means that an error occurred while processing a "Submission Task".

If you have created several tasks, they will be carried out in order.
You can get an overview of all created tasks by clicking on "Email and Database":


Edit Submission Tasks


Most error codes contain the number of the task that triggered the error.
If you e.g. received the error code: "E100 (PHPMAILFAIL) Task:1", this means that an error occurred when executing the first task.

HTTP 500 - Internal Server Error

An error occurred while executing the PHP script.
Possible error causes:


  • The error does not necessarily have to be generated by the form script, but can also be caused by the host page.
    Open the *.php form file directly to test this (open the form file instead of the host page).

  • You are using PHP 8.x together with an outdated version of the Web Form Builder.
    Solution: Install the latest version and rebuild the PHP file.

  • You are using an outdated external PHP library like TCPDF or FPDF on PHP 8.x.
    Solution: Update the external PHP library.

  • You have added a task to execute "Custom PHP Code" which contains a (syntax) error.
    You can test this by disabling or pausing the task in "Email and Database".

  • The execution of PHP scripts is not possible on your web server or PHP is not configured correctly.
    You can test this by running a simple PHP script, e.g. a script to show the PHP version.


If you don't know which PHP version is installed on your web server, you can usually find this out in your web server's configuration.

Alternatively, you can also use a simple script that outputs the PHP version.
PHP Script: phpversion.php (returns the PHP version)
