Form Element Basics

Arclab® Web Form Builder

Add Form Element

Left-click on the green "plus" symbol to add your first form element:


Add 1st Form Element


You can add new form elements above and below a grid:


Add between Container


You can also insert a form element into an empty cell. Just click on the empty cell to insert an element.


Add Form Element to Cell

Field Name

Each input element and hidden field has a unique field name through which the content can be accessed.


Field names are displayed in curly brackets within the program, e.g. {Name}.


Edit Field Name


Each time the user inputs, the value of the form elements is automatically updated.


Field Name


The user input is stored in {Name}.
If the user enters "Smith", the field value is "Smith" ... {Name} = Smith
If there is no input, the field {Name} is empty ... {Name} =



Sample 1: Input Elements and Text Output


Sample 1


The form contains 2 input elements of the type "Editbox":

  • {FName} for the first name
  • {LName} for the last name


The output element of type "Text" shows the value of both fields together with additional text:

  • Name: {LName}, {FName}



Sample 2: Input Elements, Hidden Field and Text Output


Sample 2


The form contains 2 input elements of the type "Editbox":

  • {FName} for the first name
  • {LName} for the last name


The hidden field type "Combine Fields" combines the two input elements to a new field with the field name {Name}:

  • {Name} = {LName}, {FName}


The output element of type "Text" shows the content of the hidden field {Name}.

  • Name: {Name}
    The content of {Name} changes each time the user makes an input to the input elements: {FName} or {LName}.

Edit Form Element

Left-click on the form element or use the context-menu and select the first option to edit the selected form element (in this sample the "Editbox {Name}"):


Edit Form Element


Right-click or click on the "gear" icon to open the context-menu:

Form Element Context-Menu


The context-menu is in three parts. The first part is for editing the "Form Element", the second part is for editing the "Cell" and the third part for editing the "Grid".  See also: Grid (Layout)