Item Tools: Insert Bulk, Sort and Delete Items

Arclab® Web Form Builder

Tools for Radio Button Group, Checkbox Group and Dropdown List

The radio button group, checkbox group and dropdown list contains a text/value pair item list.


  • The "Text" (Item Text) is the text shown in the form.
  • The "Value" (Item Value) defines the value for the selection.
    The item value is the content that should either be transferred by email or inserted into the database.


Click on the "Tools" icon:

Item Tools


From the "Tools" dialog you can:

  • Sort items
  • Delete all items
  • Insert bulk
  • Add numbers
  • Add time
  • Insert pre-set text/value pairs


Insert pre-set text/value pairs



Insert Bulk

The "Bulk" mode was designed especially for inserting large quantities.
You can simply add the items via copy and paste:


Insert Bulk


In the above sample, the items use the same text for text and value.
Sample: Earth > Text:Earth Value:Earth


If the text shown in the form should be different from the value, use a semicolon to specifiy the item value:


Insert Bulk Text Value


In the above sample, the items use a different text for text and value.
Sample: Earth > Text:Earth Value:3