Insert Link (CSS) or Script into Header (Javascript)

How to insert a <link> (CSS file) or <script> (Javascript file) element into the HTML <head> section

Insert Element into HTML <head> Section

A <link href=...> or <script src=...> element can easily be inserted into the HTML head area of a web page with just a few Javascript instructions.


The procedure is the same in both cases: First create the corresponding element using "document.createElement" and then insert it into the HTML <head> section of the page using "document.getElementsByTagName("head")[0].appendChild".



Insert <link> Element into HTML <head> Section:


Javascript Sample for CSS Stylesheet:

var link=document.createElement("link");



Insert <script> Element into HTML <head> Section:


Javascript Sample:

var script=document.createElement("script");
// script.async=true;

If you want to load the script asynchronously, remove the comment ("//") from "script.async".

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