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Arclab® Website Analyzer


Scan Your Website and List All Web Pages that Contain the
Obsolete and Deprecated META "keywords" Tag



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Deprecated META Keywords

META keywords are deprecated and ignored by search engines like Google.


HTML Source Sample:

<meta name="keywords" content="Propositions,Galileian,Velocities">


In the early days of search engines, the <meta> tag "keywords" in the <head> section of a web page was used to define keywords relevant to the page. This was massively exploited to gain an advantage or a higher position in the search results, which ultimately led to the search engines ignoring the META keywords. Nowadays, search engines understand the content of a page and find relevant keywords for the page themselves.

How can I Find Pages with "Deprecated META Keywords" on My Website?

Finding such pages is easy with Arclab® Website Analyzer. First, let the program scan your website.
After the scan of your website is completed, you will receive a detailed report containing all errors found on your website and other information:


Website Analyzer Report


In the "Deprecated META Keywords" line, click "Show Details" to display details about the errors:


Details: Deprecated META Keywords


The program displays a list of all web pages (A) with deprecated META keywords (B).