Arclab® Website Analyzer


How to Search Your Website for Missing Page Titles
Find Web Pages without a HTML <title> Tag



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Fix "Missing Page Title" Errors

Every HTML web page should have a title. The page title is located in the header section of the HTML page and is one of the most important factors for the ranking of the page in the SERPs (Search Engine Result Pages). If a page has no title, you are wasting a valuable opportunity to present your website. You should also note that the page title is usually displayed directly in the browser and is therefore important for user navigation and the accessibility of your website. You can add the page title either in your web editor, CMS system or directly in the source code of the HTML page.


HTML Source Sample:

<!doctype html>
<html lang="en">
<title>Sample Page Title</title>

How can I Find "Missing Page Titles" on My Website?

Troubleshooting is easy with Arclab® Website Analyzer. First, let the program scan your website.
After the scan of your website is completed, you will receive a detailed report containing all errors found on your website and other information:


Website Analyzer Report


In the "Missing Page Titles" line, click "Show Details" to display details about the errors:


Details: Missing Page Titles


The program lists all HTML pages that do not contain page titles. Edit the listed pages and add a page title.