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Website Explorer

Arclab® Website Analyzer

Arclab® Website Analyzer includes an additional tabular explorer view for your website, which includes various filters, search and export tools.
With each "Scan Website" or "Rescan Website" the database of the view is updated.


Switch to the tab "Website Explorer":


Open Website Explorer


If the website has already been scanned by the program, under "Details:" you will find the time of the last scan ("Database").
Click on "Open Website Explorer" to open the explorer:


Website Explorer View

Website Explorer Columns

The “Website Explorer” provides a variety of information about your website and the URIs (resources and pages) it contains:

  • URI: The address or URI (URL) of the page or resource.
  • Type: Indicates whether the URI or resource is within the website URI (Internal) or not (External).
    Please note that if you have specified a subfolder as "Website URI", all URIs on the same server but outside the subfolder will also be considered "External".
  • Status: The status code that was returned in the HTTP response header.
  • Content-Type: The content-type that was returned in the HTTP response header.
  • Size: The (file) size of the resource in bytes, if available.
  • Charset: The character set specified in the <head> section of the HTML page.
  • Depth: The link depth or the distance of the resource from the website URI.
  • Links In: The number of links or references to this resource.
  • Links Out: The number of outbound links and embedded resources on the page.
  • Checksum: The program creates a CRC checksum for every HTML page.
  • Title: The page title specified in the <title> tag.
  • Title Length: The number of characters used in the <title>.
  • Description: The <meta> description of the page content specified in the <head> section of the HTML page.
  • Description Length: The number of characters used in the description.
  • Meta Keywords: Deprecated <meta> keywords specified in the <head> section of the HTML page.
  • JSON-LD: Indicates whether the page contains internal JSON-LD (linked data).
  • Meta Redirect: Page redirect set in the <head> section of the HTML page.
  • Meta Robots: Commands for search engines or robots specified in the <head> section of the HTML page.
  • Canonical: Canonical URI of the HTML page set in the <head> section of the page.
  • Language: The default language of the HTML page specified in the <html> root element.

URI Filter

Use the toggle-buttons to select the URIs or resources shown:


URI Filter


Below each toggle button there is a narrow status indicator that shows the status of the button:

  • Green: On (Show)
  • Red: Off (Hide)
  • For "HTML only" gray and blue are used because this filter differs in function.


By definition, a URI is: "A Uniform Resource Identifier (URI) is a unique sequence of characters that identifies a logical or physical resource used by web technologies. ...".
In the past, the term "URL" was usually used instead of "URI", which is simply the web address of a resource or a web page.


The following URI Filters are available:

  • Internal: URIs (pages, images and other resources) within the website URI (internal resouces).
  • External: URIs outside the website URI (external resources).
  • Ok: URIs without error (status code: 200)
  • Redirect: Redirected URIs (status code: 3xx)
  • 4xx Error: URIs with client errors, e.g. "404 Page not found" (status code: 4xx)
  • 5xx Error: URIs with server errors, e.g. "500 internal server error" (status code: 5xx)
  • HTML only: Show HTML pages only (Enabled = Blue)
    The toggle button for "HTML only" works differently. The HTML pages (URIs with "Content-type: text/html") are always included and all other URIs are hidden when activated. This feature is particularly useful if you want to compare or examine your HTML pages.