Arclab® Website Analyzer


Search Your Website for Non-secure External Links and Resources.
Find All Non-Secure (without https://) Links in Your Web Pages.



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What means "Non-secure External Links (Resources)"?

This refers to external links or resources that are not accessed via “https” (i.e. via a non-secure connection).
These can be links to other websites as well as embedded resources such as Javascript libraries or fonts.


You should therefore check these non-secure URIs carefully to see whether you can also use them securely (with https://).

How can I Find All None-Secure External Links (Resources) on My Website?

Finding non-secure external links (resources) is easy with Arclab® Website Analyzer. First, let the program scan your website.
After the scan of your website is completed, you will receive a detailed report containing all errors found on your website and other information:


Website Analyzer Report


In the "Non-secure External Links (without https)" line, click "Show Details" to display details about the errors:


Details: Non-secure External Links (without https)


  • The report contains all non-secure external links and resources found (A).
  • In addition, all internal web pages that contain the URI (A) are displayed under "URI linked from:" (B).
  • If you have activated the option to check external links in the "Website Settings", the status code, content type and the size of the resource will also be displayed.
  • Important: Links or resources that are not within the "Website URI" but on the same server are also considered "external".