User Interface - Basics

Arclab® MailList Controller

computer  MailList Controller - Main Screen


MailList Controller



Each section has a different command menu on the left-side.



play_arrow  Mail Service: Status Info and Control

MailList Controller runs on a MS Windows based desktop computer or MS Windows Server. It has a user interface (management application) and a service. The service runs in the background and can run without an user being logged in (depending on the setup). The service is responsible for outgoing mail (list messages) and incoming mail (e.g. subscribe/remove requests). The user interface is only required to administrate the lists, messages and options.


Service Status


The "Service" icon shows the status of the mail service:

  • Green: Mail service running
  • Red: Mail service stopped
  • Orange/Yellow: Client mode (The service is not installed on this machine)

Click on the button "Service" to start/stop the mail service.


The "MailList Controller Status Monitor" notifies you about status updates:

Service Monitor