Arclab® Inbox2DB


Save Email File Attachments to Disc and
Insert the Local Storage Path into a Database



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Email File Attachments


check  Extract data from incoming email messages

check  Save file attachments to disc (or network drive)

check  Insert the local storage path into a database

check  Supports up to 30 attachments per email

check  Automated email processing

check  Software for Windows PC and Server

check  Supports MySQL and MS SQL Server

check  Supports MS Excel and MS Access

check  EU GDPR compliant usage

check  Test Inbox2DB for 14 days without limitation


Save Email File Attachments to Disc

With Inbox2DB you can process file attachments from incoming emails easily and fully automatically. Each individual email can contain up to 30 file attachments. The program saves the file attachments in the directory you have selected. A separate folder in the selected target directory is created for each incoming email message in which the file attachments are saved. This is necessary so that no overlaps or conflicts can occur during the fully automatic processing of the email messages.

If a file attachment is saved, the complete file path is entered into the database or Excel table at the same time, so that you have access to the individual files at any time. This allows the program to process a large volume of emails without the need for user intervention.


Save email attachments to disc


You can save up to 30 file attachments per email. Duplicate file names are also not a problem since the number of the attachment is appended to the file name.
Furthermore, it is possible to save the file attachments directly into a binary field of a  database instead of saving them to disc.

Insert the Local Storage Path into a Database Field

So that the saved file attachments can be processed further, the full local storage path is entered in a database or MS Excel file for each individual file attachment. In addition to the full file path, additional information such as the original file name, content-type and file size is available for each attachment.


check  Insert the storage path into a text field. (This also activates the storage of the attachment on disc.)

check  Insert the original attachment filename into a text field.

check  Insert the attachment size in bytes into an integer/long or text field.

check  Insert the content-type of the attachment in a text field.


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Data Protection and EU GDPR Compliance


check  Arclab Inbox2DB is a software product running on your computer. It's not a hosted online service.

check  There is no data processing contract necessary because the data is not transmitted to us and not processed by us.

check  The data is written directly into the target database or Excel file you have selected.

check  You can choose whether or not the program should save a local copy of the processed messages.

check  You can configure the program so that no personal information of the sender is stored internally.