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Arclab® Inbox2DB


How to Collect Form Data/Submissions
via Email using a Web Form



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Collect Web Form Data
on Your Computer


Today almost every website uses a web form to collect information from an user. One solution might be use a script to write the data to a SQL database on the server or use an external service provider to collect the data for you, but this might not be the right solution for every situation. If you need the data directly on your computer, for example in an excel spreadsheet or database on your computer, then a different approach is needed.


Arclab InboxDB works different - it collects the form data out of an email message generated by a web form on your own server. It does not require any database on your web server, complicated web scripts for database access or external services. Inbox2DB picks up the mail, collects the form data and saves it to your sheet or database.


Here open_in_new you will find further details on how you can process the data from a web form created with Arclab® Web Form Builder and insert it into an MS Excel file, MS Access file or an ODBC database.


Collect Email Data Schema


Inbox2DB is an email automation solution and email parser software to collect data from incoming messages and insert the information into a database.

Email/Form to Database Parser

Email Form Data Extraction

Arclab InboxDB checks your email account for new incoming messages matching the defined filter, e.g. sender and/or subject keywords. If the program has detected a message meeting the filter criteria, it downloads the message from the email account and starts the data extraction process.

It maps the data of every field from the email to the corresponding column in your database or sheet. Inbox2DB automatically converts the data to the column field type, so you don't need to care about data types or cast operators. It allows you to process multiple forms using the same email account.


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check  Collect the form data in a database or sheet

check  Automatic and custom field mapping

check  Insert file attachments into a database

check  Insert the full email source code (EML) into a database

check  Save file attachments to disc

check  Process the form data directly on your computer

check  No database on the web server required

check  No installation on the web server required

check  Works with most forms

check  E.U. GDPR Compliant

check  No subscription and no recurring fees

check  One-time payment for the license

check  Test Inbox2DB for 14 days without registration

How it works:


1. Create the Web Form on your Web Site

First you need a web form, which sends the information entered by the user to your email mailbox. If you already have a contact form, then you can simply modify it a bit. Basically you can use any form or script (form mailer) sending the form submission as email message. Most hosting services already provide a contact form, which can be customized and used for this purpose. If you want to create a more sophisticated form, e.g. using a captcha, then we recommend to try Arclab® Web Form Builder.


2. Create a Database or Sheet on your Computer or Network

Arclab Inbox2DB can store the data in almost any database system, from MS Excel to an ODBC database. Simply create a database or sheet containing the columns you want to gather from your form. Please make sure, that you define the column data types as required. The program automatically converts the data collected from the web form to the data types of the database. If you want to use a MS Excel sheet as target, then you should create a sample row to ensure that the program can detect the data types correctly. See also: Email to MS Excel Spreadsheet


3. Setup a Data Connection in Arclab Inbox2DB

Setting up a data connection in Inbox2DB is not difficult. Specify the account data for the email account and define a message filter, so that the program can pick up the correct email message. Defining a message filter is not difficult ... simply type in the subject of the message created by your form, e.g. "Customer Survey". The column relationship can be setup based on a sample message. Its recommended to open your web browser, fill out your web form and submit it once  before going further. The program can collect data from all form based messages, HTML or plain text messages. It tries to auto-detect matching fields or you can setup the field relationship by hand. The "Detection Simulation" allows you to verify that all fields are setup as wanted.


4. Execute the Data Connection

You can execute the data connection (which means check for incoming messages and collect data) manually or based on a timer. Its not required to run the program 24/7, because the messages with the form data will stay on your mail server until the program starts the processing. The program can also run hidden in the background without user intervention if your workflow requires a constant data processing, e.g. every 10 minutes.