Run Inbox2DB on a Server

Arclab® Inbox2DB

Server Mode /silent /notray

You can use the Windows Task Scheduler to setup Inbox2DB to run on a server without a user being logged in:


Open the Windows Task Scheduler by running "Taskschd.msc" from a command-prompt (or right-click and select "Execute" from the start-menu).

Add a new task to run the program e.g. all 30 minutes after the system was started. This means the system will run the program every 30 minutes to synchronize the data connection(s), even if no user is logged into the server.


Run Inbox2DB on a Server and execute all enabled data connections:

inbox2db.exe /silent /notray
Sample: C:\Program Files (x86)\Arclab\Inbox2DB\inbox2db.exe /silent /notray


Run Inbox2DB on a Server and execute the specified data connection only:

inbox2db.exe /silent /notray /conid=id
Sample: C:\Program Files (x86)\Arclab\Inbox2DB\inbox2db.exe inbox2db.exe /silent /conid=1

id = Connection ID (number shown when you click/edit the data connection)



warning  Windows Task Scheduler "Security options":


Please note that the task will not be executed if the user is logged in and the program is already active.
This is to prevent a task from being executed while the user makes changes using the program interface.



help  Troubleshooting: