Insert Web Form in Drupal

Arclab® Web Form Builder

As of version 5.2.2++, the instructions for web integration are included directly in the program.
Simply click on "Finalize" and select your platform or web editor.


Web Integration

Log into Drupal

  • Log in as a user of the role "Administrator".
  • Please note that restricted users might not be allowed to insert javascript code, so they can not insert the form.


Edit Drupal Page

  • First change the "Text Format" to "Full HTML".
  • Click on "Source" to switch the editor in source (HTML) mode.


Copy & Paste the Code

  • Copy and paste the code into the Drupal (Source) editor:

    <div id="awf-form"><script>
    var awf_file='/webform.php';
    var awf_x=new XMLHttpRequest();'GET',awf_file+'?js=awf');awf_x.onreadystatechange=function(){if(awf_x.readyState===4&&awf_x.status===200){var s=document.createElement('script');s.innerHTML=awf_x.responseText;document.head.appendChild(s);awf_Run('awf-form');}};awf_x.send();

    Change the file name (path) from '/webform.php' to the file name of the php file created with Arclab Web Form Builder!
    Important: Don't remove the single quotes in the code!

  • Save the page.