Arclab® Web Form Builder


How to Insert an Image, Header or Logo using TCPDF and FPDF
Execute Custom PHP Code



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check  Create PDF attachments using TCPDF and FPDF

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Web Form Builder

Insert Image using TCPDF or FPDF

Important: To insert an image into the PDF document, you cannot simply insert an <IMG> tag into your HTML code, you must use the TCPDF/FPDF "Image" function.
This is because the PDF Library does not support all HTML elements.


  • First create a graphic in JPG or PNG format (PNG recommended) and upload it to your website in the same directory as the PHP file.
  • Then add the "$pdf->Image" function under "pdf->AddPage" to the PHP code.
  • Adjust the coordinates of the HTML cell (text) below the image so that the image and text do not overlap.
  • Resize the image accordingly. The easiest way to achieve this is to resize the image accordingly using your image editor.



"Image" Function Parameters:


Image(file, x, y, w = 0, h = 0, type = '');

  • file : Name of the file containing the image.
  • x : x - coordinate from the upper left corner (in mm by default)
  • x : y - coordinate from the upper left corner (in mm by default)
  • w : Width of the image in the page. If not specified or equal to zero, it is automatically calculated.
  • h : Height of the image in the page. If not specified or equal to zero, it is automatically calculated.
  • type : Image format. Possible values are (case insensitive): JPG, JPEG, PNG. If not specified, the type is inferred from the file extension.
  • If you want to use other parameters, please use the function reference of the PDF library used.



Sample Code:

The code for TCPDF and FPDF is identical here since both libraries are related.
The following example code inserts a graphic at a distance of x=10mm and y=10mm from the upper left edge.


// Sample 1:
// upload the image header.png to the same folder as the php/form file!


// Sample 2:
// upload the image sample.jpg to the same folder as the php/form file!


// Sample 3:
// upload the image sample.png to the same folder as the php/form file!



TCPDF Sample Code:

$tcpdfinclude = 'tcpdf/tcpdf.php';
if(!stream_resolve_include_path($tcpdfinclude))ErrorCancel('Invalid TCPDF include path');

$pdf = new TCPDF();


// upload the image header.png to the same folder as the php/form file!
// insert image


$html = '<p>
First_Name: '.ToHtml($ID39).'<br>
Last_Name: '.ToHtml($ID44).'<br>

// adjust the coordinates of the HTML cell (text) below the image so that the image and text do not overlap!
// in this sample (10,60) is x and y

$pdf->writeHTMLCell(0, 0, 10, 60, $html);

$att_content_data = $pdf->Output('ignored', 'S');


FPDF Sample Code:

$fpdfinclude = 'fpdf/fpdf.php';
if(!stream_resolve_include_path($fpdfinclude))ErrorCancel('Invalid FPDF include path');

$pdf = new FPDF();

// upload the image header.png to the same folder as the php/form file!
// insert image


// adjust the coordinates of the cell (text) below the image so that the image and text do not overlap!
$pdf->Cell(0,10,"First_Name: ".ToAnsi($ID39));
$pdf->Ln(); // line break
$pdf->Cell(0,10,"Last_Name: ".ToAnsi($ID44));

$att_content_data = $pdf->Output('S');